Get The Information And Help You Need By Hiring A Divorce Lawyer In Carrollton GA

by | Dec 12, 2016 | Divorce Lawyer

When a marriage is over, there are many emotions someone will feel, such as hurt, resentment, sadness and fear of what will happen during the process and how long it will take. With the help of a divorce lawyer in Carrollton GA, they will help a client get through this difficult time and give them the legal advice they need. Decisions that are made during the divorce process can affect someone’s life forever. An attorney will advise their client of their legal rights and suggest various outcomes of their decisions. They understand the emotional and financial struggles their client will go through during the divorce.

Dividing marital assets and debts can be a tenuous situation. Georgia is an equitable division marital state. Although equitable is interpreted as a 50/50 split, it doesn’t necessarily result with that. Assets are usually the items accumulated during the marriage. There are a few exceptions to this rule such as when an item that was purchased or exchanged for another item using assets from before the marriage. For example, a home that a couple lived in that was purchased before the marriage is sold to purchase a joint marital home, the assets from the non-marital home will be excluded as part of the marital assets for the division.

Another area couples often struggle with is custody of the children. Both parents want to have equal say and time with the children. It’s always good for a couple to determine their child custody and visitation between themselves. If this cannot be achieved, mediation or a full custody hearing will have to take place. The court is only worried about the best interest of the children and not what’s best for the parent. The best interest of the child standard is applied throughout courts in Georgia and the United States.

A West GA Attorney can help with all of the questions someone will have during the divorce process. They will keep their client’s interests at the forefront and will always protect their rights. Don’t attempt to go through a divorce by representing yourself. Valuable rights could be lost forever without the correct legal filings.

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