Workers’ compensation laws protect injured workers and their employers. When someone is injured on the job, they have the right to seek wage replacement and medical benefits while recovering or disability benefits if they have become permanently disabled. Unfortunately, injured workers are not always treated fairly. When someone is injured on the job, they should consider getting help from a Workers Comp Attorney in Melbourne, FL.
Reasons for Hiring an Attorney
Being aware of the reasons a person should hire an attorney is important. The following offers information on why injured workers should seriously consider getting help from the Workers Comp Attorney in Melbourne, FL.
- Many injured workers do not fully understand workers’ compensation laws and may be unaware of the rights they hold. Getting help from an attorney ensures the injured worker’s rights are protected at all times and the law works on their side.
- When an injured worker hires an attorney, they can rest assured the attorney will offer strong negotiation skills that are meant to hold the employer accountable. If the injured worker deals with the employer alone, the outcome will not always be fair.
- Injured workers who hire an attorney are often able to see a faster resolution to their case. When a person deals with their employer alone, the employer and insurance company may attempt to drag their feet to prolong the process.
- It is not uncommon for injured workers’ claims to be denied. When an injured worker is denied, they have the right to further pursue the matter. They may go through mediation and a hearing before an administrative law judge. A lawyer will fully represent their client throughout the appeals process.
- Another reason for hiring a worker’s compensation attorney is greater peace of mind. The process of seeking benefits can sometimes be stressful. Getting help from an attorney helps to ensure the injured worker has the support they need.
Get Started Right Away
If you have been injured on the job, it is your right to seek fair workers’ compensation benefits. Contact the office of Matheson & Horowitz right away. They will be happy to schedule your appointment.