McGlone Law Can Give Advice in Slip-and-Fall Cases

by | Feb 2, 2016 | Lawyer

Only the victim and McGlone Law can decide whether to take a slip-and-fall case to court or to settle before a trial begins. Victims of these accidents are allowed to collect compensation for expenses related to the injury. Most victims want a quick settlement, but others opt to take the case to court. Below is a discussion of the benefits and disadvantages of each approach.

Slip-and-Fall Compensation

Personal injury laws allow victims to receive damages from the at-fault party. These damages can compensate the injured person for past, current and future medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, permanent disability, emotional distress, and other associated costs. Before speaking to the at-fault party or their insurer, the victim should consult an attorney. Lawyers can help clients understand liability, negotiate with the other party, and provide courtroom representation if required.

Evaluation of a Settlement Offer

A slip-and-fall attorney can help a client negotiate a fair settlement with the at-fault party or their insurer. Once the victim receives an offer, the attorney can advise in whether to take the offer or let the case go to court. Each choice has its benefits and drawbacks.

Taking the Settlement

• Pros: If the settlement is accepted, the case will be resolved quickly and funds would become available almost immediately. Victims can pay injury-related bills sooner, attorney’s fees are lower, and the agreement can remain confidential.

• Cons: In exchange for the quick resolution of the case, the victim may receive a smaller settlement than if the case went to trial.

Court Trial

• Pros: The victim may gain emotional satisfaction from winning the case, and the award may be more substantial.

• Cons: There’s no guarantee the victim will win the case or receive a larger award. Attorney’s fees may be higher than if the case was settled out of court, and the judgment will be a matter of public record. Moreover, a trial can take a year or longer.

Only the victim and McGlone Law can decide on whether to settle or to take the case to court. However, the attorney at McGlone Law has experience with numerous slip-and-fall cases, and he will likely know whether a settlement is fair. The victim should take the lawyer’s advice into consideration before arriving at a decision.

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