Let Us Help Make Your Case for Social Security Claims in Washington, PA

by | Mar 26, 2018 | Lawyers

If you have fallen on hard times, the last thing you should have to worry about is the possibility of losing your home or not being able to feed your family. It is a sad thought, but that is the reality for a lot of suddenly disabled workers in America. Even though it may seem like a daunting road, there are people who are are ready to help with your social security claims so you don’t have to go it alone.

Are You Eligible for Social Security?

The first step of the process is to make sure you meet the list of requirements to acquire social security. This means that if you are disabled and your income falls below the allowable amount to qualify, you could be eligible for social security income or insurance benefits. Either way, when you are making social security claims in Washington, PA, it is the forms that will trip you up, and it may be why you want a team of professionals on your side to help you.

Have You Already Been Denied?

There are a lot of things that can go wrong when you’re making social security claims. For this reason, the team at Porta-Clark & Ward Attorneys at Law are willing to try again when it comes to getting you and your family the benefits you need. A denial without a team of lawyers standing behind you is null and void in our minds because you deserve the best representation possible to get the best outcome possible.

So don’t try and go it alone and end up suffering more. If you make a mistake you will end up back where you started but with a team of professionals to share your burden, they will catch every possible mistake and put you back on top. Like us on Facebook.

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