Dealing with a possible foreclosure is one of the most stressful experiences homeowners can deal with. No one wants to lose their home but getting behind on mortgage payments makes a homeowner vulnerable. With this information, homeowners can discover the benefits of having a Foreclosure Lawyer in Lawrence KS.
Lawyers Protect the Rights of Homeowners
When a homeowner grows behind on their mortgage payments, they hold certain rights that are afforded to them under the law. It is vital a homeowner gets a lawyer involved early in the process so they will have more options.
Lawyers can work to ensure a homeowner is given time to find a new home and can reside in their home for a longer period of time. They can also work with the mortgage holder and attempt to work out payment arrangements so the foreclosure process can be avoided altogether.
No homeowner should have to face a mortgage holder without being represented by a Foreclosure Lawyer in Lawrence KS. A lawyer will work to protect their client’s rights and prevent them from being infringed upon.
A lawyer can help their client see if they can apply for loan modifications or loss mitigation options which are meant to help a homeowner afford to catch up on their mortgage payments and lessen what they owe. While everyone does not qualify, having a lawyer working on the side of the homeowner offers knowledgeable insight that can help individuals to make sound decisions through the process.
Bankruptcy May Be an Option
Bankruptcy is sometimes an option for homeowners who are in danger of foreclosure. When a person seeks bankruptcy, their mortgage holder and other creditors can no longer pursue them through collection activity. This gives them time to pay off the debts they owe so they are no longer behind on their payments once the bankruptcy period comes to a close.
If you are a homeowner in danger of losing your home to foreclosure and would like to learn more about how a lawyer can help you, Click here. With a consultation appointment, you can learn more about your options for keeping your home.