Learn More About Utah Workers Compensation Laws

by | Feb 16, 2016 | Lawyer

Filing for Utah Workers Compensation benefits can be slightly complicated for many injured workers. Although employers are required by law to carry workers compensation benefit insurance to protect their workers, many of them are unhelpful when it comes to providing answers and information during the filing process. It is crucial for workers to be aware of what they can expect as they go through the process so they can be fully prepared as they work towards receiving their benefits.

When a worker first becomes injured, they need to inform their employer as soon as possible. The employer then has seven days to report the injury to the insurance carrier who is then held responsible for reporting the injury to the Labor Commission. There are a few steps that will need to take place for an injury claim to be settled. The injured person will first need to seek medical treatment through the company approved doctor.

Although an injured worker can see their own doctor, they are also required to be examined by the company doctor who reports to the insurance carrier with a diagnosis and prognosis. A claim will be opened by the insurance carrier as soon as the proper paperwork is received from the doctor or the employer. After the initial claim begins, the insurance company has twenty-one days to make a decision but can file an extension to have up to forty-five days.

Regrettably, many injured workers are unfairly denied their benefits for Utah Workers Compensation. Many people have found it beneficial to hire a lawyer to help them with their claim so their rights can be protected. With the help of a lawyer, an appeal can be requested even if a person is first denied their benefits. The lawyer will work through the process to make sure a client receives the benefits the law says they are entitled to.

If you are having difficulty pursuing your workers compensation claim, Visit the website at . They will be happy to help you through the process of filing your claim to work towards receiving your benefits in a timely manner. Call them today for your appointment.

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