How a Chapter 13 Lawyer St. Petersburg FL Can Help You

by | Jun 18, 2020 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Chapter 13 of the bankruptcy code allows you to have debt relief by reorganizing yourself financially. This is done under the watchful eye of the bankruptcy court. To ensure you are granted bankruptcy under this code and that everything goes as planned, you need an experienced Chapter 13 lawyer. Such a lawyer will understand the process you need to follow and the pitfalls you might encounter along the way.

Your Chapter 13 lawyer St. Petersburg FL will formulate a plan that is then approved by the court. This payment plan helps you get your finances back on track. Your Chapter 13 lawyer St. Petersburg FL should help you write a detailed repayment plan that allows you to begin repayment within 30 to 45 days after you start the case. Your creditors will not be allowed to perform collection efforts and your lawyer will ensure that they follow the rules.

One of the benefits of Chapter 13 include stopping foreclosure before it happens to you. You should be able to pay your mortgage by the time your bankruptcy ends or else the threat of foreclosure could return to haunt you eventually.

Another advantage you might receive when your Chapter 13 lawyer St. Petersburg FL successfully petitions for this chapter is that you will receive debt discharge once your payment plan is complete. This allows you to focus on your most important debts.

To save you a great deal of time, look for the best Chapter 13 lawyer in St. Petersburg FL at Here you will find more information about the different chapters of the bankruptcy code and learn how you can schedule a meeting with an experienced bankruptcy attorney.

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