Why Hire Works Compensation Lawyers in Ft. Pierce, FL

by | May 4, 2018 | Lawyers

The workers’ compensation insurance system was designed to ensure that workers who become injured on the job site have access to the money they need to pay for medical care and make up for lost wages. Unfortunately, though, this system is not perfect, and it’s not infrequent for workers to have entirely legitimate claims denied. That’s why it’s always a good idea to look into Workers Compensation Lawyers in Ft. Pierce FL before filing a claim.

Get a Larger Settlement

Of course, not all claims filed without the help of a lawyer get denied, but it’s not uncommon for insurance carriers to pay voluntary offers of settlement that are far lower than what the claim is worth. Keep in mind that workers are entitled to these benefits under the law, so there is no reason for injured workers to accept lower settlements than they deserve.

Knowledge of the Law

The average worker does not have the kind of knowledge of the law that Workers Compensation Lawyers in Ft. Pierce FL do. Many don’t even realize that they are legally entitled to 70% of their average weekly pay checks if they are kept out of work for more than a week, which helps to explain why so many injured workers wind up accepting lower levels of compensation. Lawyers can help to ensure that workers compensation carriers pay out the maximum benefit amount following an injury.

Help Getting Medical Care

While it’s true that workers compensation carriers have the right to choose an authorized doctor to provide care, they often try to cut corners wherever possible. Injured workers are entitled not just to being seen by an authorized doctor, but they are also entitled to all of the medical referrals and medications this doctor deems necessary for patient care. They are not allowed to deny referrals or medications and must provide everything prescribed by the doctor, so any injured worker who is having difficulty getting the care they need beyond routine medical visits should consult a lawyer immediately.

Learn More Today

Injured workers who feel that they are being treated unfairly should speak with a legal professional regarding the case. Want to speak with a lawyer before filing a claim or need help filing an appeal to a claim that has already been denied? Visit the website of Matheson, Horowitz & Devonmille for more information or schedule a consultation today to get started.

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